Banned go-ped driver Colin Francis was back before Southend magistrates for failing to stick to a community service order.

Late last year Francis, 21, of Holt Farm Way, Rochford, was convicted of driving while disqualified, after he was seen driving a motorised skateboard past Rochford Police Station.

It became a landmark case dominated by legal arguments about whether or not a go-ped was a motor vehicle.

Magistrates decided it was, so Francis - already a banned driver - was found guilty of driving whilst disqualified.

At the time his solicitor said Francis did not know he was breaking the law. He was given a 40 hour community service order, but has so far only completed 14 hours.

Southend magistrates heard he had failed to attend sessions since the end of January. At first he said he was unwell and agreed to provide a medical certificate.

However, none arrived and probation officers chasing up his absence were later told he had moved away from home so they were unable to contact him.

The court heard he had been suffering from a suspected collapsed lung and was unable to continue with the demands of a community service order.

Stipendiary Magistrate Kevin Gray adjourned the case until Friday April 14 to allow time for the medical details to be investigated.

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