Police and fire crews are investigating a suspected arson attack on a family home.

The four-bedroom detached house in Clayhall Road, Clacton, was severely damaged by the blaze at 11.50pm last night.

Neighbours Sara Sheavills and partner Gary raised the alarm after hearing glass smashing.

Firefighters searched of the house but the owners are believed to have been away.

Sub-officer Terry Roberts said the fire seemed to be of doubtful origin. There were fires on both the ground and first floors.

He said a further investigation would be carried out today.

"We are pretty certain it is malicious damage. Upstairs has pretty much gone. There was quite bad damage in one bedroom, it was pretty hot up there as well.

"There were flames coming through the window in the front and you could see them at the back."

Miss Sheavills said today that Gary had just finished watching Chelsea versus Barcelona on television last night when he was heard a sound outside.

She said: "I was up and asking him what he was doing and then I heard something like a milk bottle smashing. He said 'Oh my God, there is a house on fire'.

"I came running outside with just my dressing gown on."

Miss Sheavills then went outside and started banging on the door to alert people.

She said: "Then the pipe burst and splashed me with water, so I thought it better to move back. The smoke was horrendous, the fire engines were here within five minutes."

Insp Richard Day, of Clacton police, today confirmed the fire was being treated as potential arson.

Two fire crews wearing breathing apparatus used three hose reels to put out the blaze which was extinguished in just over 15 minutes.

Scene - PC Scott Egerton outside the fire-damaged house today.


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