Australian cricket star Shane Warne has made his county debut at Chelmsford in the Benson and Hedges clash between Hampshire and Essex.

The leg spinner, his country's top all-time Test wicket-taker, was due to play his first game in today's vital cup match after arriving in Southampton yesterday.

Warne's appearance was eagerly anticipated by the crowds at the County Ground.

However, Warne was made to wait before making any impact on the match as Essex made a solid if unspectacular start after being put in to bat by Hampshire.

Skipper Nasser Hussain and Paul Prichard safely negotiated the opening eight overs while putting 18 runs on the board.

Most of these arrived from Hussain, who reached 14, Prichard's only scoring stroke during this period being an edged boundary against Peter Hartley.

Essex stuck to the same line-up which gained a thrilling two-run victory over Kent at Canterbury yesterday.

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