Youngsters who care about their environment are being urged to unite and form a new youth group in Castle Point.

The Castle Point Young People's Opportunity wants to set up a forum for teenagers aged between 13 and 19.

The group will give them the chance to have their say and suggest improvements they would like to see in the borough.

Under the scheme youngsters will be able to suggest ideas to benefit the community and play an active role in putting them into action.

Posters and leaflets advertising the project are on display in youth centres, schools, sports centres, libraries and Castle Point Council's offices in Kiln Road, Thundersley.

The initiative set up by Essex Youth Service in partnership with Castle Point Council is still at an early stage and anyone who has any ideas is being encouraged to write to the youth service.

A meeting will then take place in July between the youngsters and youth workers to thrash out the ideas.

Castle Point youth worker Celia Hopkins said: "It is really exciting.

"The youngsters will have the chance to write ideas down which they believe will benefit others.

"The idea is that they come together at some sort of event in July to share their ideas.

"They might then decide they want to meet regularly to develop these."

Anybody who has any suggestions can write to the Castle Point Young People's Opportunity, Essex County Youth Service, Castle Point Locality, 114 Benfleet Road, Hadleigh, Essex SS7 1QH.

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