Sporty Rachel Norman is so disgusted at what she feels is council discrimination that she is boycotting Teen Zone, one of her favourite activities.

Rachel, of Tyehurst Crescent, Colchester, loves the Sunday sport session in High Woods sports centre.

But after finding that her friend would get a free pass just because of where she lived - and she couldn't - Rachel stopped attending in protest.

Previously, all youngsters had to pay £1.20, but now the council has given High Woods and Mile End youngsters a free pass, while others pay £2.

Rachel, 12, said: "I feel this is discrimination against other areas of Colchester."

Simon Grady, of Colchester Council, said the passes were a one-year trial aimed to get children leading healthy, active lifestyles.

He said it was a coincidence that the Teen Zone entrance fee had been raised at the same time.

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