Controversial plans for new bus lanes in Southend will be ditched by the new Tory administration, it has been confirmed.

The Echo has highlighted the grave concerns of shopkeepers along Southchurch and London Roads, in its "No to Bus Lanes" campaign.

Traders argued that if customers could not park because of bus lanes, they would not shop in the area and stores would be forced to close down.

Roger Weaver, new executive councillor for transportation, announced a major review of the local transport plan which had been designed to tempt people out of cars and onto public transport.

A campaign had been mounted by furious traders after embryonic proposals for bus priority measures along the A13 were suggested as part of the proposals.

However, Mr Weaver said the Tories would be sticking to their pre-election pledges - to scrap any plans for bus lanes.

He added: "As far as we are concerned, bus lanes are dead. We will be looking at the whole local transport plan again to ensure it reflects the needs of Southend rather than the ideologies of central Government.

"The local transport plan must be based on the problems we are facing as a borough."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.