Southend's new council leader has unveiled a package of measures to take the town well into the 21st century.

Councillor Charles Latham, who is due to be elected council leader next week, vowed to tackle a range of issues when his administration is appointed.

He pledged to reduce red tape at the Civic Centre and plough the proceeds back into front-line services.

Campaigning for a new bypass to ease pressure on the borough's roads, resolving a crisis in school places and better social services also feature in his commitment to the people of Southend.

Mr Latham (Con, Chalkwell) is expected to be elected leader of the council at the town's annual mayor-making ceremony next Thursday.

He is also due to announce details of his cabinet on Monday.

Mr Latham said: "This is the first opportunity we have had to run a unitary authority. We campaigned for unitary status with the Lib Dems and Labour opposing it.

"We now have a great opportunity to show the people of the town what we can do."

Tory MP David Amess hailed the Tory victory as a new start for Southend Council. He said: "This result has shown that there has been great dissatisfaction with the way the council has been run over the past few years.

"It is now up to the Conservatives to ensure that our promises to the electorate are kept and that we rejuvenate the town and get traffic moving."

(Right) Cheers - Tory delight is shared by Melvyn Day, Christopher Kerr, Peter Collins, Paul Jones, Victoria Garston and Jonathon Garston

(Left) Well done, son - David and Jonathon Garston share election success Pictures: STEVE O'CONNELL

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.