A Chelmsford police officer who saved a woman threatening to jump from the sixth floor of a multi-storey car park has been commended for "acting bravely and decisively."

Acting Sgt Chris Smith was presented with his Certificate of Commendation by Essex Police Chief Constable David Stevens.

The 33-year-old policeman, who has been in the force for 10 years, was alerted to the incident in January.

The mother was standing on the outside wall of Chelmsford's Market Road multi-storey car park threatening to kill herself.

Acting Sgt Smith said: "I was talking to her for about 20 minutes and gradually inching closer. She kept threatening to jump. I talked to her about her family and children."

The officer, based at the town's New Street divisional headquarters moved close enough to suddenly grab the woman and pull her to safety.

The mum, in her in late 20's, had walked out of the Linden Centre at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford. She returned there.

Following the presentation, Acting Sgt Smith said: "It's always nice when you save a life."

High praise: Acting Sgt Chris Smith.

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