A 29-year-old expert South Woodham BMX racer who was being treated for depression died in a collision with a train and inquest has heard.

Robert Indri, of King Edwards Road, died on January 29 this year on the railway line near Arbour Lane, Springfield.

He was undergoing treatment for depression at the nearby Dukes Priory Hospital at the time but had never spoken of any intention to take his life.

Girlfriend of two and half years, Wendy Thompson said that balancing work and racing responsibilities worried Mr Indri, but she visited him the night before he died and found him in high spirits.

"He was laughing and joking," she said, adding that the couple had planned to go for a walk the next day.

Consultant psychiatrist, Dr Gary Jackson said in a statement that his patient, who had been allowed to walk around the hospital grounds, made a 'spontaneous decision that morning' and was probably 'overwhelmed by a black mood and a sense of despair and hopelessness.'

Train driver, Anthony Wilson said that he had seen Mr Indri jump down from the bank, walk on to the track and look at him before crouching down in the path of his oncoming London bound train. Mr Wilson continuously sounded the train horn but to no avail.

Coroner Dr Malcolm Weir said the accident was in no way the driver's fault and recorded an open verdict.

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