Detectives are widening their inquiries into an incident where a woman's body was found on the Essex coast.

The woman's body was found washed up on the shore at Foulness Island, near Southend, on April 16.

Det Con Mark Jones, of the Ministry of Defence police, said sea currents suggest the woman's body entered the water around Southend.

Inquiries were at first centred around south Essex but Det Con Jones said lines of inquiry were now being widened to north Essex, and as far as Norfolk.

The mystery woman had slightly receding, naturally wavy, auburn dyed hair. She was 5ft 4ins tall and weighed about 14-and-a-half stone.

She was wearing a fleecy blue jacket with the label Blue Riband XL.

Anyone who knows a woman answering a similar description, who has not been seen since early April, is asked to contact Det Sgt Steve Basford or Det Con Jones on 01206 782913 or 782918.

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