An outdoor Education centre could face closure over replacement costs after a heartless theft.

Thieves stole a £1,000 outboard engine from a safety boat at Ardleigh Outdoor Education Centre, which is running a summer programme for children and people with special needs.

Children due for a sailing course had to be sent home after staff discovered the theft because the safety boat was out of action.

Stu Meese, centre manager, said: " They were upset and disappointed but hopefully we will be able to fit them in before the end of summer."

The thieves used a rowing boat to get to the safety craft, moored in the middle of the reservoir.

Mr Meese said: "It is quite a blow. The centre has always been on the verge of having its funding withdrawn by the county council. The survival really does depend on us being self-funding.

"This year the council put a bit of money in to help us out but we need to turn a profit."

The engine is a Yamaha 15hp with a distinctive blue and grey patch on the top cover.

Anyone with any information about the theft on Tuesday night should contact police on 01206 762212 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

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