Schools in Billericay and Ongar could face a staffing crisis as they struggle to fill teaching vacancies for the coming term.

But in Brentwood, the picture looks much brighter.

As we revealed last week, Essex County Council is so desperate to fill posts that officials have launched a campaign to tempt former teachers back into the classroom.

The problem is particularly acute across south Essex and especially in the Basildon district, which includes Billericay and Wickford.

Schools there have to compete with those in the London boroughs, which offer teachers a London weighting.

In May there were 41 teaching vacancies in primary, secondary and special schools in the Basildon district.

In Epping Forest district, which includes Ongar, there were 22 vacancies, while in contrast there were just six vacancies in Brentwood schools.

As schools are responsible for recruiting their own staff, the latest figures will not be known until September.

But county personnel services manager Peter Ayre says the figures vary dramatically from district to district. "In common with many other authorities we are facing a shortage of teachers and having difficulty in recruiting them to schools," he said.

"Obviously teachers do get the London weighting so they are attracted to working in London, but we are trying to point out the benefits of working in Essex.

"We have a range of incentives, including relocation expenses and mortgage and rent subsidy schemes.

"We also have a number of initiatives to attract people back into the profession, attract newly qualified teachers and I encourage mature people into the teaching profession for the first time. This is part and parcel of a national agenda.

"The situation is more severe in some parts of Essex than others. It's particularly bad in the Basildon district.'' The county is also launching a drive to recruit more school governors.

Education spokesman Mike Barnett said: "It's essential for all schools that they draw on the expertise of people across the whole community. Running a school, with a possible multi-million pound budget, is a major undertaking.

"We are working hard to spread the word and say 'your local school needs you,' and if you have time and skills that you can devote to that school you can make a fundamental difference to it."

For more information about teaching vacancies, call John Parker on 01245 436247. Details about becoming a school governor are available from Chris Orme on 01245 436008.

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