A revolutionary new Neighbourhood Watch scheme is about to be introduced across Mid Essex.

Regular advice surgeries for people who want information on home and personal security could be set up throughout the area as early as December.

The surgeries, which are part of the Witham community policing team's strategy on crime reduction, are believed to be some of the first of their kind in the country.

Police are currently in the process of arranging meetings with all Neighbourhood Watch coordinators in Mid Essex to discuss the the quarterly surgeries.

As part of the scheme a purpose-built trailer would be at each meeting, containing lots of good advice on locks, bolts and alarms, as well as other security measures.

Surgeries will begin in December so shoppers can get advice on personal security while buying gifts for Christmas.

Hatfield Peverel Neighbourhood Watch will be one of the first to begin the surgeries.

A spokesperson for the scheme said they hoped further surgeries would be held in Silver End, Coggeshall, Kelvedon and Witham.

Trisha Staerck, police crime reduction officer based at Witham, said: "We are trying to get Neighbourhood Watch more pro-active.

"We hope that through this scheme everyone in the county will have their property post-coded."

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