A tough night for Basildon Freestyle Kickboxing Club left the Pitsea-based outfit with a "you can't win them all" mentality.

After a lengthy spell of success, Basildon's stable of highly-regarded fighters were brought crashing down to earth when only one of their six competitors returned victorious from a contest at Epping.

However, the first two results went completely out of the visitors hands when both Gary Brennan's and Scott Cameron's opponents pulled out at the last minute.

When the action finally got under way, Tommy Allen's fight over five rounds against Heathrow's Marty Cox went the distance.

Basildon boy Allen fought cleverly but, after a close and exciting fight, he was pipped at the post as Cox claimed the judges verdict.

Jeanne Evans fought her first ever contest against Jan Young, from Wiltshire, over three rounds and with a storming start she took the first round convincingly.

The second saw her start well again, but her energy disappeared as quickly as it began and her corner decided to retire her early after a gallant attempt.

Basildon's brightest prospect, 17-year-old Ricky Judd, went up against an opponent 4kg heavier and three years older and the statistics told in a brutal encounter.

Ricky's opponent, African Galore Lufulu, floored young Ricky in the first round with the sweetest of right hands.

Ricky bounced back to his feet and bravely battled back but, after sustaining a badly damaged nose, was eventually sent defeated to his corner by the referee.

In the club's final fight of the evening, it was left to Jamie Egan to fly the flag for Basildon in a three round contest with London's Harry Webb.

Jamie did not disappoint as a storming first two rounds ended with his opponents' corner throwing in the towel.

Basildon's coaching team of Chris Day, Andy Brown and Rob Judd were philosophical at the end of the night, with Judd saying: "Although it wasn't Basildon's best night we were very proud of all the fighters and the 230 travelling supporters in the way they conducted themselves."

Basildon Kickboxing Club are staging a major full contact kickboxing show at Pitsea's Eversley Centre on Saturday, October 28.

Tickets are now on sale for what is already being predicted as a sell-out show.

For tickets and more information contact either Rob Judd on 07712 588701 or Chris Day on 07803 127271.

Down but not out - Basildon kickboxing club's (left to right) Dave Jenkins, Ricky Judd, Joanne Evans and Jamie Egan


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