Pictured with one of the boards is Maldon District Council chairman Penny Channer with Terry Hogarth from Hutton Construction.

New boards to illustrate the history of the area around Friars Gate alleyway and library in Maldon were unveiled last week

The boards use large-scale drawings to illustrate the history of the area occupied since Saxon times

The site includes what was once a Carmelite Friary and the gateway to it stood on the site of today's alleyway which leads through to the town centre by Woolworths

The Friary was eventually replaced by a mansion built by the Harris family in Elizabethan times and this was replace itself by the two large Friary buildings that are still standing.

Funded by the Maldon Conservation Area Partnership Scheme and Maldon District Council the boards were designed by Essex County Council and installed by Hutton Construction

Woolworths store agreed to the re-use of its redundant side windows for the boards

Alongside the repaving and lighting of the alleyway and the installation of the Friars Gate arch, the project completes the end of some £40,000 worth of investment into upgrading the quality of the well-used public path