COLCHESTER student Elisa Tidswell and her 31-year-old sister were in Manhattan when tragedy struck and they are still in New York waiting to come home.

Miss Tidswell, 21, and her sister, Alison Bate, were in Manhattan when the two planes crashed into the World Trade Centre.

The pair, who were in New York to see Michael Jackson, were due to fly back to the UK on the same day as the hijackings.

Their mother, Angela Tidswell, of Colchester, told how they were now very scared to get on a plane to come home.

She said: "They are traumatised and are petrified to get on a plane. They were only in the World Trade Centre two days before. Afterwards, every time they heard a noise they did not know whether it was starting up again.

"When they phoned me they said they could see the sky going black.

Last Updated on Fri 14 September 19101 at 15:0