A brave householder stood his ground and saw off two bogus callers who tried to con him out of £4,000.

The two conmen initially tricked their way into the man's home by saying they needed to take a look at his washing machine.

Once they were inside, they suddenly changed their tack and said they were bailiffs and they wanted £4,000.

Det Sgt Roger Napier, of Colchester police, said: "The householder remained resolute and firm that he did not owe any money and was not going to pay any money. He quite rightly ordered them to leave."

Both men, who called at the house in Willowtree Court, Greenstead, Colchester, at 12.30pm on Tuesday, are described as being in their 30s.

They were both wearing black trousers, dark jackets and white T-shirts.

Det Sgt Napier said: "We have heard there is a team who are operating saying they are looking at washing machines, as opposed to the usual ruse of saying they are from the water board.

"There is no reason to let anyone in to look at your washing machine unless you have asked them to come round and look at it."

Any information to police on 01206 762212 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111

By Stephen Rawlins

Reporter's e-mail: stephen_rawlins@thisisessex.co.uk

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