Traders in Maldon and Braintree are gearing up for the Christmas shopping season with special events.

Braintree's late night Christmas shopping evening, which will include fancy dress and a torchlit procession, will be held on Friday, November 30.

The theme for the evening will be That's Entertainment and shops will be open until 9pm with staff dressed up in costumes.

The procession will kick off at 6.45pm leaving Braintree Town Hall, travelling through Great Square, the High Street and Sandpits Lane to the bandstand in George Yard.

Called Light up a Life it has been organised with Farleigh Hospice, which has a day centre at St Michael's Hospital, Braintree.

Once in George Yard, a short service will be held with the Rural Dean of Bocking, the Very Rev Philip Need and Lord Newton. At the end a Christmas Tree in George Yard will be lit up.

Meanwhile in Maldon, preparations are under way for a host of events, said town centre manager Marion Wells.

Profits are also expected to soar, despite an uncertain economic climate nationally.

The shopping frenzy is expected to start weeks before the official start of Maldon's Christmas, when the High Street lights will be switched on by town Mayor Eunice Downes on December 1.

This will be followed by residents and traders spilling onto the streets for Victorian Evenings on December 6 and 13, with stalls selling food, drink and other items.

And Light up a Life will be back as St Clare's Hospice allows a light on trees in Maldon and Burnham to be sponsored in honour of absent friends or family.

A torchlit procession from All Saints Church in Maldon High Street to the tree in the grounds of the Maeldune Centre is planned to start the dedication service.

Call 01621 857727 for more details.

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