Thurrock's arts enthusiasts are no nearer knowing the fate of the Thameside Complex after the council's cabinet were presented with an incomplete report on the future of the authority's cultural services on Thursday night.

A best value review of services and where they should be provided began a year ago, but officers could only present the same three options - with no final decision - which were outlined last November.

Then it was revealed the council was looking at closing the Orsett Road complex - housing the theatre, Grays library and museum.

The three options being considered are:

Maintain the Thameside building and its services, spending around £1m to refurbish the facilities

Close the Thameside and sell it, relocating all services elsewhere in the borough. This would probably involve building a brand new theatre

Outsource the services to private companies or form a trust.

Nigel Barron (Lab, Corringham West), cabinet member for cultural change and heritage, told the meeting: "What we are trying to do is collate outstanding information so that we can process the financial consequences of all options, so we can make a real and meaningful decision.

"In particular the relocation option hasn't got enough information if we want to go down that route."

Members agreed to receive the report allowing further time for more information gathering.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.