The ice cream row at Frinton has taken a new twist as a proposal is unveiled for a sales kiosk to be sited on the seafront.

The plan is for a kiosk at one of two sites, near the greensward by the golf club or on the promenade at the bottom of Connaught Avenue.

It has been submitted to Tendring Council by Ernie White, the man behind Frinton's first fish and chip shop.

National headlines were made in 1992 when Mr White opened the chip shop inside the Frinton Gates, and his latest plans could get the same response if they are approved by Tendring Council.

The first site is where the original kiosk used to be on the "kiosk field", part of the greensward, near to the golf club. The second is on the promenade where ice cream seller Gary Grange raised a row last summer when he traded ice cream to sunseekers.

Mr White hopes to sell tea, coffee, sandwiches, crisps, biscuits, ice cream, blow-up toys and buckets and spades at the kiosk, which he described as "a traditional British seaside resort tradition".

He said: "I think that it has proved in times gone past that these facilities are needed and would be used.

"The horrors and thoughts of what things would happen to Frinton are completely unfounded."

Tendring Council today confirmed the plans had been submitted.

But Frinton town and Tendring district councillor Nick Turner said he was "implacably against the plans" and felt the rest of the town council would feel the same.

e said: "I will fight it totally and utterly because it is against the spirit of Frinton and I think it would wreck Frinton.

"We are not like any other place. We like being different, and that it why people like us.

Len Brooks, spokesman for Frinton Residents' Association, said he felt the kiosk, if approved, could set a precedent for further trade to hit the seafront.

By Alex Grindley

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