Upset -- Myles White, dad Paul and mum Linda mourn the loss of Kissmet, left, the family's much-loved cat. Picture: TERENCE BUNCH

A family on Friday told of their horror after their pet cat was savaged to death by two dogs.

Paul White, 48, lives with his wife Linda, 47, and their two sons Craig, 18, and Myles, 14, in East Street, Prittlewell.

Linda let Kissmet, their five-year-old black and white cat out at 10.30pm on Tuesday for her usual night-time walkabout.

Paul said: "The first my wife knew about it was when Myles came running down the stairs shouting that a dog had got hold of Kissmet.

"She went running out and saw Kissmet being shaken by a dog similar to a pit bull terrier. There was a group of three youths nearby who had been walking that dog and another.

"My wife was screaming at them to get the dog off but they just laughed. Just as Linda and Myles managed to get the dog to let go of Kissmet, the another dog ran over.

"It was awful -- one had Kissmet by the neck and the other had her by the stomach. After a while one of the youths came over and kicked the dogs to make them let go and then they just walked off."

Paul said Kissmet had been left with terrible injuries and was barely alive when Linda took her to the vet, where she was put down for humane reasons.

The Whites have reported Kissmet's death to the police. A spokesman for Southend police confirmed that they were investigating the matter