An Essex Euro MP has called on the Government to insist that France puts British beef back in its shops without further delay.

The European Court of Justice last week ruled that a continued French ban on the meat, imposed due to the threat to human health by BSE, was illegal. France had maintained the ban for two years even after the EU lifted its worldwide ban in 1999.

Under European law, France is now given a "reasonable" time to comply with the ruling. But Conservative MEP Geoffrey Van Orden, who represents eastern England, with special responsibility for Essex, wants the French government to act quickly.

He said: "The government must now insist that France complies with the ruling without further delay. If they do not end this flagrant breach of the law the European Commission must impose punitive fines."

Mr Van Orden is also adamant that Tony Blair should support a farmers' claim for significant damages. He said: "Farmers from the east of England have suffered enough, and must be compensated for the damage that has been done to their businesses."

Published Monday December 17, 2001