Education bosses in Essex are considering how they would like to see a six-term year implemented across the county.

Essex County Council, the local education authority, has until April to set down the terms it would like to see when schools switch to a six-term school year by 2005-6.

The Independent Commission on the Organisation of the School Year has laid out its suggestions for the year, which would include a two-week break in October, a Christmas break never less than two weeks, a summer break which is always more than five weeks and five flexible days that can be used for holidays or term days depending on the region.

Iris Pummell, cabinet member for education at Essex County Council, said the six-term year would bring a balance to the year but discussions would still continue about how it should be rolled out.

"Our view is that the same approach should be universally imposed across the whole country and not just by local education authority.

"We do feel the six-term year would bring in more balance but we are also looking at other suggestions from parents across the county who answered a questionnaire about what they would like to see happen," she added.

The authority will respond in April once all the responses from parents have been sifted through.

"The Essex investigations have led to a lot of information which will lead us to make the right decision," added Mrs Pummell.

Published Wednesday December 19, 2001