He's made it! Cycling hero Dennis Warner has completed his epic charity ride to Timbuktu.

Daring Dennis, 43, of Little Oakley, survived getting robbed, fierce rain and a broken wheel spoke. He now faces another slight headache - getting home for Christmas.

Dennis set off on the 4,000-mile trip to raise money for cancer research and had his fair share of drama during the ride.

He was robbed in Bamako, the capital of Mali, and some money was taken. When he phoned his wife, Diane, to tell her, he was cut off half-way through and she was left not knowing exactly where he was.

He celebrated his birthday while he was in Africa and was chased by a troupe of baboons.

Diane said he had to complete the final leg by boat, as it was too dangerous to cycle through.

Published Thursday December 20, 2001