Proud mums from across Essex have taken delivery of extra special Christmas presents - bouncing newborn babies!

Lisa Hawkins with baby Nathan 5MH6B2

Julie Hubbard of Wood Farm Close, Eastwood, was resting with husband Ian after their second child, baby Benjamin, arrived early.

Julie said: "He wasn't due until January 4 but he came out on Christmas Day and weighs 6lbs. "It had to be a Caesarean birth but everything is okay and we are all getting there."

Lisa Hawkins, 23, of Hildaville Drive, Westcliff, was thrilled with her first baby.

Son Nathan was born at 8am on Christmas Day and Lisa said: "He's come a week early, but he is well worth ruining Christmas for.

"We are both doing well and I just want to get him home now so we can try and enjoy the rest of the holiday period."

Debbie Frood, 21, from Eastwood was kept waiting four days for baby Samuel to arrive. He was eventually born at 6.30am on Boxing Day, weighing a healthy 7lbs 6oz.

Kelly Thake, 28, of Rantree Fold, Basildon, had baby son Callum, 6lbs 2oz, at 2.45am on Christmas morning.

She said: "I'm just looking forward to going home now - it's the best Christmas present I could have hoped for.

"He was actually due on December 23, but he kept us waiting!"

Kelly, who has another son, Charlie, 22 months, said: "It was a quicker birth this time - but it didn't feel like it!"

For Phyllis Sweeney, 35, of Bruces Wharf, Grays, the arrival of daughter Georgia, 7lbs 6oz, was no surprise - she was due to be born Christmas Day, and duly emerged just after 9.30pm.

Mrs Sweeney, who also has a two year old son Jordan, added: "She was right on time!"

Jackie Stear, 37, missed out on her Christmas dinner by the arrival of son Jack, 8lbs 6oz. She said: "He was due on January 12, but decided he wanted to be early!"

Jack has two brothers, Stephen, 8 and Dean, 20, plus twin 15-year-old sisters, Natalie and Shelly.

In North Essex, staff at Clacton and Harwich maternity units had no special deliveries to celebrate on Christmas Day.

But there were two babies from the Tendring district born at Colchester General Hospital.

Carol King and baby Callum, at Colchester General Hospital

Sharon and Mark Bridgeman, of Madeira Road, Holland-on-Sea, received the perfect early present when Elizabeth arrived just after 3am. She weighed 7lb 15oz.

Then at 5pm Lindsey Scott gave birth to a baby girl, Holly, who weighed 5lb 7ozs.

Miss Scott and her parter, Stan Hewitt, live in Albermarle Street, Harwich.

Published Thursday December 27, 2001