A new campaign has been launched by the National Blood Service to encourage more people in Essex and across the UK to come forward as blood donors.

Campaign crew: The National Blood Service mascot Billy Blood Drop pictured with Essex Air Ambulance Crew members, Captain Steve Wrightson and paramedics Clive Parnham and Robbie Robertson.

The campaign, called "It doesn't matter how you get there - please get there!" is aimed at raising awareness of how important giving blood is. It is hoped it will help recruit new and lapsed donors.

The campaign's mascot, Billy Blood Drop, has helped highlight the initiative with the assistance of Essex Air Ambulance crew members, captain Steve Wrightson and paramedics Clive Parnham and Robbie Robertson.

Nicki Scott of the National Blood Service said, "We would like to thank the crew of the Essex Air Ambulance for supporting our campaign and we hope many people will get to local blood donor sessions any way they can."

The National Blood Service also visited Duxford Imperial War Museum in Cambridge to keep the focus on the campaign.

Over the next 12 months it is estimated that the blood service will need to recruit more than 400,000 new donors. At present only six per cent of eligible donors give blood. The NHS needs 10,000 donations a day to meet the requirements of hospitals around the country.

New blood donors need to be aged between 17 and 60, weigh over 7st 12 lb and be in general good health. Regular donors can be aged from 17 to 70.

More details about becoming a donor can be obtained by calling 0845 7711 711. The line is open from 8 am to 8 pm.

Information about giving blood is available on Ceefax BBC2 page 465 or on the website www.blood.co.uk

Published Tuesday January 15, 2002