The future of 290 workers is shrouded in uncertainty following the launch of a Government review into New Ranges in Shoebury.

Defence minister Dr Lewis Moonie confirmed the site was subject to a review and could be in doubt following a Commons question by Tory Rochford and Southend East MP Sir Teddy Taylor

Dr Moonie said the Ministry of Defence is looking at its longer term requirements for weapons trials, testing, training and evaluation - for which New Ranges is nationally important.

Sir Teddy said there was "huge uncertainty" among the people of Shoebury about the future of the "large and exciting site."

He added: "In the past few months, we have been told QinetiQ, which runs the site, was going to be a public limited company with a private shareholding. However, that has now been abandoned.

"We were then told there would be an agricultural project employing 1,000 people and now we are told the future of the range as a range is under review."

Dr Moonie said all Ministry of Defence ranges were under review because the Government needed to decide on the most cost effective way of using them.

He added: "I am well aware of the uncertainty this poses for the people employed on our sites. I visited Shoebury last year and had an opportunity to see its excellent facilities.

"However, our overall programme is in doubt. We must also make sure as to how much use of our facilities we can make at each of the sites which we still use."

Published Tuesday January 15, 2002