Booklovers are being urged to support a new reading club being set up at Wickford Library.

The adult Booktalk club is being set up to give people the chance to chat to others about their favourite reads.

Staff at the Market Road library hope it will prove as big a hit as the teenage Booktalk club which has been running for just over a year.

Wickford librarian Jodi Stonebridge said: "This is part of an initiative which Essex Libraries is undertaking to try and set up Booktalk clubs at all libraries within the county.

"The sessions are really open to anyone who wants to come along. The groups look at a different book every month and give each person attending the chance to chat about it."

Ms Stonebridge helps run the teenage Booktalk session and said it has proved a great success. She said: "It is really going from strength to strength. At the moment we have around 10 youngsters coming to each session.

"We are very pleased with how this has been going over the past year and hope adults will also enjoy having the opportunity to come and talk about books they are reading."

The first adult Booktalk session is being held at 2pm on Tuesday January 22 and anyone is welcome to go along.

For more information call Jo Cullen or Jodi Stonebridge at Wickford Library on 01268 732354

Published Wednesday January 16, 2002