An owl display proved to be a right hoot for youngsters in Southend.

Birds of a feather -- Charis Mound is wiser following the display. Picture: ELISE GOW 6WJWA22

The graceful birds have captured the imagination of youngsters following the blockbuster Harry Potter film.

But the aim of the display, at Southend's Priory Park museum, was to show the animals can be dangerous - and to discourage people from getting one as a pet.

Robert Blake, guide lecturer of Southend museums, said: "There has been a lot of hype recently with Harry Potter and owls --but we want to show children what they are really like, and that they don't make good pets.

"The best way to teach children is by having fun, and that's what we're doing during these school half-term activities."

Children saw real owls in flight at the event and a wonderful display showing the birds in their natural habitat.

Published Tuesday, February 19, 2002