A leading Thurrock councillor has called the intended increase in the number of police to be stationed in the borough during this year as "unbelievably small".

Essex Police have announced that there will be around 144 more police officers in the county by March 2003, however, only seven of these will be stationed in Thurrock while twenty-three will be stationed in neighbouring Basildon.

Coun Tim McMahon, speaking at last week's meeting of the Police Authority, said: "I find it difficult to believe that if there is going to be a net growth of 144 officers that only seven of these will coming to Thurrock. "Is this a mistake?"

In reply, Chief Constable David Stevens confirmed that the figure was correct.

"Allocations to divisions are made according to the same formula that the Home Office uses to decide how much money to give Essex Police," he said.

He told the meeting that over the past two years it had become apparent that Basildon - along with Harlow - has been significantly under-resourced compared to the rest of the county and that was being put right.

Coun McMahon replied: "There are not enough police in Thurrock and I think the time might have come to re-examine the formula and mount a campaign for it to be changed."

Speaking afterwards, he confirmed that he had called for full details of the formula and was considering seeking a meeting with the Home Secretary to press for change.

He added: "This is one of the reasons I am coming around to the idea that what we really need in Britain is a two-tier police force so that here in Thurrock we would have additional local police who could deal with small-scale offences such as being drunk and disorderly, threatening behaviour, shoplifting and dangerous parking."

Published Tuesday, February 19, 2002