Peeved parish councillors are threatening to resign over Government demands for them to declare extensive interests similar to elected borough, county and national representatives.

They received some sympathy from Chelmsford borough's mayor elect whose Conservative group is asking the Government to make more clear what should be declared as part of the new Code of Conduct, and why they want to know.

Parish councils in the Chelmsford area have reacted differently towards the proposals. Great Waltham's clerk Ian Bradley has indicated that two of his 10 members will resign if they have to sign a register of interests.

Broomfield Council has objected but there is no hint of resignations, and Boreham see no particular problems.

Writtle clerk David Woodyard said some of his members were concerned at an invasion of privacy but none felt it was a resignation issue.

Borough mayor-elect Cllr Maurice Hurrell said: "I think it has come as something of a shock to the parishes at the level they operate. However I think there should be a level playing field and people who put themselves up for election must be prepared to do this sort of thing."

"We want the Government to explain why and exactly what it needs to know."

Labour borough councillor Bill Horslen said: "We have no objections to the code of practice. Sleaze is a big problem again right now and anything that makes for more transparency where people have sought public office is OK with me although I know it has come as a blow to some small parishes."

Published Thursday, February 21, 2002