People who want to express their views about cancer services are being asked to take part in discussion workshops organised by the Mid Anglia Cancer Network.

The workshops are taking place during a three-month consultation period which start tonight.

The cancer network group is specifically seeking views on the proposals to centralise gynaecological surgery at Ipswich Hospital.

The proposal would mean that women from mid Essex would have to travel to Ipswich for their operations. All other aspects of their care would be carried out at their nearest acute hospital.

The discussion workshops will include sessions at the social hall, St Peter's Hospital in Maldon on Monday May 20, the social hall at St John's Hospital in Chelmsford on Thursday May 23 and at the District Council Offices in Braintree on Wednesday June 5.

The times for all the workshops will be from 7pm to 9pm.

Anyone wanting to attend any of the discussion workshops must book a place in advance as places are limited. Places can be booked by contacting Pauline Stone at the Mid Anglia Cancer Network, call 01206 288504, fax 01206 288521. Additional meetings will be held if demand for places in high.

A consultation document is available from Essex Health Authority, call 01376 302123, fax 01376 302124 or access

Published Monday, April 8, 2002