A teenager needed hospital treatment after he was attacked by a group of seven men.

The 17-year-old was walking home along Jaywick Lane, Clacton, on Saturday night.

He was returning to a caravan park in the area with friends having been out in Clacton for the night.

An Essex Police spokesman said it is believed one of his attackers may have struck him with a golf club.

The teenager was taken to Colchester General Hospital by ambulance where he received treatment for bruising to his face and chest before being released.

"The teenager was set upon by a group of seven young men in what appears to be a totally unprovoked attack," said the spokesman.

The incident happened just opposite Millers Barn Golf Park in Jaywick Lane. The group took off in a dark coloured 4x4 vehicle.

Police want to hear from witnesses of the incident or of the men driving off afterwards.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Clacton police on 01255 221312 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Wednesday, April 10, 2002