Basildon Football Club's plans to redevelop scrubland in the town appear to be in tatters after it emerged the site is likely to be sold for commercial use.

West London firm Integra said initial talks with English Partnerships (EP) about lifting protective covenants on land at Courtauld Road had been "encouraging".

These covenants insist the land be developed as the new ground for the town's football club.

The club may need to move from its home at Gardiners Lane as part of EP's plans to create a multi-million pound business park.

Leslie Aldis, from Integra, said it was possible the firm would get an answer from EP in the next couple of weeks.

Residents are also concerned about the negotiations since Integra has refused to rule out bringing a waste management site to Courtauld Road.

Despite a Government inspector removing the site from a list of possible "waste site" locations in Essex's waste plan, there is nothing to stop a firm applying for planning permission.

A spokesman for EP said: "We did meet with Integra and discussions are ongoing. We are looking at all the options but the details of the talks are confidential."

Nobody from the football club was available for comment.

Published Wednesday, April 10, 2002