Two women victims of an armed robbery at a convenience store were recovering today from their ordeal.

Staff at Alldays, in Hoover Drive, Basildon, were threatened by two men armed with a handgun and a knife.

Det Con Rosie Holloway, of Basildon CID, said: "I would ask those people who were walking past the store and saw anyone acting strangely or suspiciously to contact my colleagues or myself."

The men's faces were covered, but they were described as white, in their late teens and around 5ft 5ins tall. They wore dark clothing.

It is believed they ran off into a nearby housing estate with a small, three-figure sum of money.

Anyone with any information about the robbery - at around 7.30pm on Monday - should contact detectives at Basildon police on 01268 532212.

Meanwhile detectives are appealing for information on an attempted armed robbery at the post office in Horndon-on-the-Hill, so far unconnected with the Basildon raid.

Two white men - one brandishing a handgun - demanded cash.

A police spokeswoman said: "The postmistress and a female assistant both dropped under the counter and activated the alarm, making the men flee."

The men made off in a red Ford Fiesta down Francis Close, a cul-de-sac, and then towards the A128.

The raid happened at about 4.45pm on Monday.

Published Wednesday, December 11, 2002

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