A new community development officer has been appointed to improve the standard of living and organise social events for residents of the Five Links Estate in Laindon.

The role, taken by Linda Green, has been created by Single Regeneration Budget co-ordinator Stephanie Robinson, who wants the community to help with this hands-on job and be more involved in the area's activities.

The first of many events to come was a Christmas party and a performance of Jack and the Beanstalk at Blue-house community centre, Laindon. The show was performed by the Many Moons Theatre Group, which is funded by the SRB.

Ms Robinson said: "Every-one really enjoyed themselves. It was the first event and a big kick-off for events to follow.

"We want the community to be active in organising events and putting future shows on for residents.

"We want as many people as possible to be involved."

One event Ms Green will try to bring back to Laindon is the summer fete, which hasn't been held in the last two years.

Published Friday, January 3, 2003

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