A group is hoping to get support to make sure anyone can get anywhere in and around Colchester.

The Colchester Access Group (CAG) wants to encourage people to join so they can ensure that disabled people are not prevented from using buildings in the town.

It is looking to build on a recent success after Edward's Bar, in Head Street, was made fully accessible to people in wheelchairs.

When the bar was opened last year there was no easy access point, but now a ramp is being installed in one doorway after the group asked for one to be added.

It is now hoping more people will join so other venues can resolve problems.

CAG chairman Hilary Davis said: "We are looking to expand the group so people can be aware of the difficulties. We are looking to involve anyone with access problems.

"What we are doing is looking at it from a consumer's viewpoint and saying are these buildings accessible?"

She said new legislations are due to to come into force in 2004 which will make it possible to prosecute building owners who don't make them easy to get into.

"A lot of people are panicking now as they realise they have to do something," said Mrs Davis.

The next CAG meeting will take place at 4pm on January 15 at Fairfield House in Harwich Road. For more information, contact Hilary Davis on 01206 751719 or Pamela Glover on 01206 824959.

Published Monday, January 6, 2003

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