Castle Point MP Bob Spink has vowed to try to bring in new laws to combat under-age drinking.

Mr Spink spoke of his determination while blasting youth crime and anti-social behaviour during a speech to the House of Commons.

He told MPs he intended to introduce a Bill later this month enabling officers to confiscate unopened bottles and cans.

He said: "Youth street crime is a great problem and anti-social behaviour is a major issue in Castle Point just as it is elsewhere.

"I was therefore sorry to discover that, through the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001, the Government has removed the police's power to confiscate from people under 18 unopened cans or bottles of alcohol.

"I know the Government realises it has got this wrong and it plans to change the provision, indeed I intend to introduce a ten minute Bill that would do so.

"I know about this issue because it was me who introduced legislation that originally empowered the police to remove alcohol both opened and unopened."

The Tory MP told the Commons he had a five-point plan to tackle street crime which included

Having more bobbies on the beat, with fewer police officers being tied up dealing with administration

Keeping police stations open longer to give the public greater access to the police

Zero tolerance policing so youngsters know where firm lines are drawn.

Published Tuesday, January 7, 2003

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