More than half a million pounds is needed to complete Chelmsford cathedral's development appeal.

The appeal was launched 18 months ago and aims to fund essential maintenance work and the development of the Cathedral.

Since its launch the appeal has already raised £708,000, which has been spent on repairs to the east window, maintenance to the roof and a new lighting and sound system.

A further £586,000 is now needed to fund a new education room in the cathedral centre of Guy Harlings, new toilets, a kitchen in the vestry block and other vital maintenance work.

Appeal director Kevin Wall is optimistic about completing the appeal and believes that funding will come from three main sources.

A sum of £413,000 is likely from the Heritage Lottery Fund, a further £138,000 from the Essex masons and £35,000 from special fund raising events.

He said: "The ultimate success of our appeal lies in the hands of the Heritage Lottery Fund. It will clearly depend very much on their decision as to how far we can go."

Published Tuesday, January 7, 2003

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