This is the face of one of the men who carjacked a chef and subjected him to a six-hour ride of terror.

Police have released the e-fit picture of one of the duo they believe kidnapped the chef before dumping him in a field.

It is believed the image may be that of the driver of the chef's blue Peugeot 406.

Wanted - do you know him?

Anwar Khan, 26, had just delivered a meal to a home in Wickford and begun driving back to the Baburchi restaurant, in Stock Road, West Hanningfield, when he became lost.

As he studied a map in a road police later discovered to be Runwell Road, Wickford, Mr Khan was disturbed by a white woman tapping on his passenger door window.

Immediately after this the rear passenger door opened and a man leapt into the car, grabbing the startled chef around the neck.

A second man opened the driver's door and pushed Mr Khan into the passenger seat, sitting himself behind the steering wheel.

The chef was then subjected to a terrifying tour around the Essex countryside as the two men racially and verbally abused him.

Mr Khan was eventually released in an isolated field by his kidnappers, from where he found his way, cold and disorientated, to a payphone in Roman Road, Mountnessing.

Police say the two attackers were white. The driver was in his early 20s, about 5ft 11, slightly built and wore a red and white checked shirt and cream trousers.

The second man was about 28, about 5ft 8 and heavily built with short dark hair flicked up at the front and thinning on top. He wore a black jumper and dark trousers. They both smelled of alcohol.

Anyone with information should call Basildon CID on 01268 532212.

Published Wednesday, January 8, 2003

Brought to you by the Evening Echo