Tenants have been let down by Basildon Council and taxpayers' money has been wasted, according to opposition leader Nigel Smith.

He levelled the criticism at the Conservative administration - and particularly housing portfolio holder Tony Ball - following the collapse of Tenants Compact, which sets out how residents can be consulted.

He believes Mr Ball has ignored a solution to the tenants' problems.

Labour's Mr Smith said: "Consultation is very important and we have to create an atmosphere where tenants, council staff and councillors can express their views and get things done in a positive and amicable manner.

"The best people to help the council in housing matters are the tenants themselves.

"The fact that there is no consultation structure with tenants is certainly not the fault of the tenants. Nor is it the fault of the previous administration."

"Councillor Phil Rackley and I had two meetings as well as other discussions with tenants and in October we produced the so-called Smith-Rackley plan.

"The plan would set up residents' forums that would deal not only with matters of concern to tenants but issues that affect all residents.

"When councillor Ball took over the housing portfolio in early November he should have picked up the plan and run with it. Instead he appears to have completely ignored it and tried to pretend that it didn't exist."

Mr Ball said: "It is never a waste of money keeping everyone included in what is going on.

"We met a representation of tenants on December 23 to help us to find a way of setting up new tenant consultation mechanisms.

"I have seen the Labour proposals and I haven't ruled anything in or out. We are still looking for the best way of moving things forward."

Published Thursday, January 9, 2003

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