A Chelmsford-based expert is cautioning parents to take a commonsense approach to children using the internet.

Professor Stephen Heppell, director of Ultralab, the APU's learning technology research centre, is recognised as the UK's leading expert in on-line education.

He sits on several government task forces, including the Government's internet policy committee.

He welcomed a new £1 million advertising campaign warning of the dangers of internet paedophiles launched by the Government this week, but said he hoped that parents would not lose sight of the tremendous learning opportunities offered by the net.

"I do think that most children are aware of the dangers and this campaign will add to that.

''Some parents panic whenever there are paedophile stories and I hope this will not have the same effect.

"I think the best solution is to use commonsense."

The aim of the ad campaign is to stop paedophiles 'grooming'children on-line.

Children are warned never to give their address or phone number to strangers, not to meet strangers alone and to tell their parents about any material which they dislike.

For more information visit: www.thinkuknow.co.uk

Published Thursday, January 9, 2003

Brought to you by the Essex Chronicle