A Basildon-based charity wants to ship drug users and alcoholics out to a First World War sea fortress to help them kick their habits.

The Streetwise drug charity, based in Elham Drive, Pitsea, is launching an appeal for funds to use the offshore base to isolate users from their dealers and provide them with specialist help.

The organisation bought the Bull Sand Fort, just off Spurn Head at the mouth of the Humber estuary, a few years ago for £21,000, but now needs thousands more to refit it.

Philip Ball, a trustee of the charity, said accommodating drug addicts on a man-made island sounded drastic but was necessary to help those with long-term habits.

He said: "We want the service to be free of charge and on demand, a bit like a hospital's accident and emergency department, but for those with narcotic and alcohol problems."

Published Friday, February 7, 2003

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