A rice factory has defended a controversial fence which has angered Parkeston villagers.

Planning officers are investigating the perimeter fence at the industrial estate in Europa Way after residents claimed it breached regulations.

But Sukhi Dulai, manager of Surya Rice, said the barrier was needed because the previous one had been ruined by years of vandalism.

He said the new fence was a response to people asking for it to be tidied up and has prevented break-ins and people using the busy site as a short cut.

"Our fence was taken down because of the damage caused to it over the years by people, and others had complained about the state of it," said Mr Dulai.

"People were dumping sofa beds and rubbish over it and we even had dumped cars by the back."

He said it was the landlord of the estate who had replaced the perimeter fence around the whole of the industrial area.

"Some people think it is the rice factory because it is the nearest building, but it is in fact the landlord who has put up the fence and I'm inclined to agree with him.

"We have all sorts of heavy equipment here and there are a lot of problems by not having a perimeter fence and it stops rodent infestations."

Ramsey and Parkeston Parish Council passed letters from residents on to Tendring Council, which is responsible for planning matters.

Some of the concerns include whether permission was needed to put the fence up.

Published Friday, February 7, 2003

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