Witham's River Walk is becoming a litter-strewn wilderness, members of the Town Council will hear on Monday.

The linear park, which follows the course of the River Brain through the middle of the town, has been permitted to become overgrown and unkempt to encourage wildlife, say the councillors in the new town plan.

Now the town council hopes to take over responsibility from the district council and transform the area.

Joyce Young, from Barwell Way, has written to criticise the rubbish and the masses of weeds growing around the main feature, the duck pond off Guithavon Valley.

Commenting on the town plan, Mrs Young said she often walked beside the river near Bramston Sports Centre and saw little children feeding the ducks.

But he thought the area could be much improved. "The area around the pond itself could be landscaped because the mud created by rain makes it difficult to get near the water.

"The area could be really attractive if most of the tall nettles were cut down and the area put to grass.

"I have heard the nettles are left for wildlife purposes, but I think there are sufficient open spaces around Witham already.

"The only items encouraged by the swathe of weeds are Tesco bags and drinks cans. The amount of rubbish is dreadful."

Witham Mayor Kerion Boylan said the Town Council was set to take over the running of the River Walk from the district council next month, and hoped to transform it into more of a open park.

"I agree with everything this lady has said, and we hope to get grant money to clear the whole place up after years of neglect. I walked around it only last week and I was shaken to see all the open space covered in nettles and weeds.

"We intend to cut it, put it down to grass and install seats so people can enjoy it."

Published Friday, February 7, 2003

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