Young people are being urged by Chelmsford Borough Council to use their votes in the May 1 council elections.

The authority is distributing 5,000 leaflets to sixth forms, shops, libraries and nightclubs across the borough to impress on 18-plus citizens the need for them to vote.

The "No vote ... no voice" leaflet features two Chelmsford Youth Council members, Raj Dey, of King Edward VI Grammar School and Jessica Talbot, of Chelmsford County High School.

Raj said: "Voting is the simplest way to make a difference" and Jessica added: "It's good to get involved - if you have got views you should vote."

Although 124,000 people are registered to vote in the Chelmsford area, the council estimates that as many as 12,000 eligible people are not on the register.

Published Monday, February 24, 2003

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