Essex's sunshine coast could get a tourism boost by taking part in a nationally-recognised quality project.

The English Tourist Board runs a scheme which provides quality assurance to everything from Blackpool Tower to Hampton Court Palace.

Now, attractions in Tendring are being given the chance to take part in the Visitor Attraction Quality Assurance Service (VAQAS).

Tendring Tourism Group's annual meeting heard help was available for those wanting to participate.

Sally Looker, Tendring Council's tourism manager, said Tendring Tourism Group would fund up to 50 per cent of the VAQAS fee for two attractions.

Clacton Pier has said it is interested in taking part.

Mrs Looker said the scheme was a valuable asset for attractions and added venues not up to scratch often left a lasting impression on visitors.

She said: "Punters vote with their feet. If they have a bad experience they don't have a bad experience just where they have been, they have a bad experience in Frinton, Clacton or Walton they tend to umbrella things.

"We are committed to trying to make sure the whole visitor experience improves as much as we can."

Published Tuesday, February 25, 2003

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