Plans to build a new casino in south Essex have been given the thumbs down.

The scheme, for the giant Chafford Hundred estate near Grays, was thrown out by members of Thurrock Council last night.

Bannatyne Fitness wants to build the casino on land between its existing leisure complex in Howard Road and the A1306 road.

Martin Healy (Lab, Chafford Hundred) told the council's development control committee that planning permission had been granted for new houses in Howard Road, close to Bannatyne's complex.

"I think it might cause the people moving in there unnecessary distress to have a casino so close," he said.

Committee chairman Tim McMahon said: "Casinos attract custom late at night and into the early hours of the morning. Residents would almost certainly be disturbed by the comings and goings."

Bannatyne's outline application was originally for a bingo hall.

This was later switched to a 10,000 sq ft casino and then later to a 15,000 sq ft casino. The application gave few other details.

It was not immediately clear if the company would appeal against the decision.

Published Thursday, April 24, 2003

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