A town centre bar in Colchester has been given permission to open for longer hours.

Bar 33, in Crouch Street, can open until 2am on Fridays and Saturdays, but only for a six-month trial period to ensure it does not disturb nearby residents.

Colchester Council's licensing and regulatory committee agreed to let the bar stay open longer after the owners convinced councillors there would not be any problems.

Richard Porter, speaking on behalf of the bar's owners, said an extension from the current midnight closing time would reduce the likelihood of trouble.

He said: "People find themselves having to leave and go somewhere else if they want to continue their evening.

He added a 2am closure would mean people didn't have to leave, so wouldn't be causing trouble on the streets, and would drift away instead of a mass exodus at midnight.

But the police had advised the committee to impose a trial period if it decided to allow the longer opening hours to test if residents were disrupted.

Mr Porter said the Embassy Suite used to operate as a nightclub in the Crouch Street area and there had been no problems from that.

But the committee decided to allow the extended hours for the next six months when the situation could be assessed.

Councillors also agreed to let the bar alter its licence so it could have music and dancing on Good Fridays.

Published Thursday, April 24, 2003

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