Maldon's first beer festival went down a treat, according to organisers.

The three-day event, put on by Dengie Camra, was more successful than anticipated and has set the ball rolling for future events in the town.

The festival kicked off at the town hall, on Market Hill, on Thursday, along with Maldon District's Shakespeare Festival, which marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare and his company to the town in 1603.

It started off with 40 beers on offer, including Shakespeare-themed beers from local brewers Mighty Oak.

But 16 extra had to be drafted in to cope with demand, and by Saturday afternoon there were only 20 left for thirsty visitors to choose from.

Charles Murray, chairman of the organising committee, said they had brought in the equivalent of 1,000 extra pints.

"It has been very successful and we are really pleased. There have been lots of positive comments I met somebody who has lived in Heybridge for 30 years and said this is the best thing the council has done!"

He added a lot of local residents had come to sup the beer. One man travelled all the way from Bristol to taste three beers and went home again.

Mr Murray said: "We are asking if we can come back again for the same week next year."

Published Monday, April 28, 2003

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